
Endeavour and
Fairview New Homes have had an enduring business relationship

We have provided marketing support for a huge variety of Fairview developments from retirement homes to chic, London city centre apartments and massive new edge-of-town communities that are phased over several years.

Our involvement begins when planning approval is expected with local area research, naming and branding and setting the correct tone and style for the target market. We progress to brochure design, drawing of plans, maps, supplying CGIs, copywriting and artwork while concurrently working on conceptual ideas for the marketing suite. We design and build interactive presentations and apartment finders as effective sales tools and can update these remotely as new homes are released or sold.

House also provides corporate support with head office graphics, a seasonal portfolio of current and future schemes and branded promotional items. We are currently working on a visual database of furniture and accessories that will streamline their movement between show homes and sales offices across all developments.





